July 15, 2003

What made the bbq the most fun was the people there. It was at the BA's (business analyst) place. Everyone on the team was there, plus my boss and his boss (and his wife). And the BA's husband. Their backyard is sweet. They have a pool, and a huge deck that surrounds the pool. Then further back they have their own little 15-tree forest, and -- a fire pit.

My boss' boss' wife is an unbelievable baker. She made chocolate chip cookies that I COULD NOT stop eating. They were unbelievable. I'm truly convinced that you cannot get cookies that good anywhere on this planet. On top of that, she made a 3-tiered chocolate cake which she didn't bring, because she unfortunately dropped it on her living room floor as they were getting ready to leave. That sucks. I probably would have still eaten it, lint and all.

These people -- my boss' boss and his wife, are as Canadian as Canadians get. The baker lady said it best: "Canadians are immigrants with seniority". That is so true. Anyway, they were telling us about how they encountered a bear while camping, on their honeymoon. How good does it get, to go camping on your honeymoon. That would be a dream come true -- basically free, totally romantic -- did I mention basically free?

It was funny the way they've encounter various bears and other wildlife. What was funnier was when one guy John, a China (mainlander) brought lichees and mangoes, and no one knew what they were. The baker thought the mango's tasted like pine trees, and my boss picked up the mango, peeled off the skin like you would do with a pear, and ate it like a banana. He literally had the mango clenched in his fist. I've never seen someone eat a mango so messily..!

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