December 07, 2004

sad and pathetic

They might as well admit it is time for a name change. The Toronto WorstTeamInTheLeague's. The first team with an apostrophe as a part of its name. We are making history, folks! Let's go WorstTeamInTheLeagues!!

Ah, those poor Raptor fans. As a diehard Seattle Supersonics fan living in Toronto, I can only pity the countless fans here who are cheering for one of the leagues most pathetic franchises. The team is in shambles, with a GM lacking the savviness of realizing his team is literally going down the drain each day he waits to make a trade that ultimately may not look so good on paper but will change the entire outlook of the team.

Does anyone remember the 5 games after they traded the other thorn of the Raptors, Mr. Antonio Davis? He left, Jalen and Donyell came, and they won 5 games in a row. Of course after that the numbskull Kevin O'Neill instilled his "no offense is a good offense" policy and they went back to their losing ways. But still, the point is made that when you clean the dirt, sweat, gunk and Vince from your hands, you have cleaner hands.

Also, is it me or is Chris Bosh the most overrated player on the Toronto Craptors? I mean you look at the newspapers and people are saying to trade Vince and Jalen, so they can build around Bosh. Building around Bosh? Say that again. Build around Bosh? Why don't the Leafs build around Cory Cross? Because he sucks! Bosh can't do squat.. he has actually regressed from last year despite everyone thinking last year's performance was just the tip of the iceberg. Turns out it was his career year.

in all seriousness

I need to get back with my devotions. I have been ever so inconsistent with them that I often feel like my own spirit is ebbing away to nothingness, as if it's no longer there. I need a boost.

On Sunday before service I began to read some Ezekiel, completely at random. It was just one of those "flip a few pages and just read" things, and I read it. Just the first few versus was enough to uplift me and wonders of the awesomeness of God and how utterly fantastic and amazing His creations are.

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