February 21, 2003

I emailed anabret about getting some tabs, and they actually replied. I don't know if this was an automated response, but it appears that it wasn't. It was actually sent from what appears to be Martin McOmber's (the guitarist) personal hotmail address

Hi Brian,

Thanks very much for getting in touch with us. We really appreciate all of your
support, and helping spread the word in the Great North and around the world. No plans to play Torronto yet, but we'd love to.

As far as the tabs go, we've had other requests as well for them, so we're working on them right now, but it may be awhile. All of us suck at tabbing. If you or others have a specific question of how we play something, feel free to shoot it our way. We are happy to help. A few hints: I love dropping the high E to D and we use capos a lot.

And good news - you can get the CD in Canada.Go to http://www.cdbaby.com/anabret and you can pick it up. They ship anywhere in the world. And their auto-response is worth the cost of the CD alone. If that doesn't work for you for some reason, write back and we'll drop one in the mail to you.

Thanks again and take care,
Paul, Marty, Ted, & Paul

Well there you have it. I didn't think they shipped to Canada. It was pretty nice of him to offer to send me a cd though!

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