March 24, 2004

eternal sunshine

How happy is the blameless Vestal's lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each pray'r accepted and each wish resign'd.

Far other dreams my erring soul employ
Far other raptures, of unholy joy.

I saw "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" yesterday, with Ken and Kenric. The movie itself was slow, very slow. I think by the halfway point I had it all figured out, but I think the point of it was to be slow so we could see how the character's would unravel. As in any Charlie Kaufman movie, there were many times of "what the..??" and "HAHAHA" throughout the movie. Little inuendo's you had to think about before you laughed, and probably many times when I just didn't get the joke.

It was one of those movies where, 1-2 people in the entire audience would be laughing at something from the movie, because the rest of them (us) didn't get the joke, or didn't think it was funny. It was sporadic laughter.

And I think that's great because it could cater to various peoples' sense of humor.

What I got from the movie: With all weird movies comes a lesson of some sort. The idea that painful memories are often accompanied with joyful memories. Sometimes you want to block out those painful memories, but would you go as far as to block that person completely out of your memory just so you wouldn't have to relive those horrible memories? And, do painful memories out-weigh the joyful ones?

And taking that a step further -- life's regrets. Everyone has regrets in life; I know that I have many of them. I should have done this, I shouldn't have done that, etc. Making the most out of every situation, 'carpe diem' as my highschool used to say. If joyful memories always outweigh painful memories, than life should consist of taking more risks, because even if you get hurt, the *possibility* of a joyful memory makes it worthwhile.

And finally, God has a plan for all of us. Sometimes, He might set us up for failure so that we might learn more about ourselves. But ultimately He wants us to be happy. How do we know if God is leading us towards a joyful memory, or painful memory? We can't possibly know, but as long as we remain obedient and live according to how He has taught us to live, whatever it is He's leading us towards -- can't be all that bad!

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