March 09, 2004

I know that posting now will result in no one reading my "prison" post. Oh well.

My sleeping problems started in February. I stopped playing games in February. I mean, I played the Painkiller demo up until the 22nd, but actual hardcore gaming, as in more than 30 minutes at a time -- I haven't done that since January. So.. what does it all mean?

Gaming -- it's a part of me. Probably not something I'm most proud of, but it's still a part of me. I thought that I should lower my gaming because it would allow me to go out more, socialize more and make more friends. But instead, less gaming has messed up my sleeping hours and I haven't even made use of the extra time. I used to play games after dinner, and then go to bed afterwards. Instead, I just spend more time reading blogs, practicing guitar. One time last week I played so much guitar I couldn't feel my fingertips anymore. I played past the point where it "hurts like hell" to the point of "hmm.. i have no feeling in my left hand!". I played everything, well at least everything I'm capable of.

This whole "not gaming" thing is so new to me. All of a sudden I have 2-3 hours of extra time, and I don't know what to do with it. I think that gaming must take a lot out of a person, because 2-3 hours I spend doing other crap, hasn't made me tired at all. I require less sleep now. That is so weird.. that gaming actually requires so much energy.

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