August 23, 2003

busy busy busy
another weekend, another wedding..

i had wendy's today. waited until the grannies were asleep and then ran downstairs for food. i had the bacon mushroom melt combo. that burger is something else.. delicious!

i just had bbt with adam. it's so convenient, literally i step outside my buildnig and there it is. for some reason whenever i go for bubble tea i always feel like i need to try a new flavor. i tried kiwi green tea, which tasted nothing like kiwi. actually it was a little bitter.. but man, the waitress we got was really cute. when she came over to take our orders, i looked up right at her, not realizing how (wowee) she was and pretty much froze, unable to remember my order. so i just pulled out the menu and pointed and said "uhh.. kiwi.. green tea.. yes bubbles". wow.

anyway.. time for bed.

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