August 24, 2003

kevin and melodie's wedding was a lot different from lon and yvonne. i think the biggest difference was that k&m have money. it was more your typical chinese wedding. they did it at tmccc (birchmount/sheppard) and it was pretty nice. i grew up in that church and it was still the same, but just seemed a lot smaller. pastor wesley did the wedding, his first. he's such a wacky pastor. he was cracking jokes and stuff in the middle of his sermon and all that.. it was pretty hilarious.. even at the banquet he ran all the games. the great thing about wes is he doesn't need a mic, because his voice is so loud!

the banquet was at new world palace, they really did up the place real nice, it was "pretty". as all traditional chinese banquets, the invitation says 6pm but the food doesn't come til 8pm. we had a pool to guess when the food would come out. i guess 7:45, kevh voted 7:50, eric guessed 7:41. frances got it the closest at 8pm. the food actually came at 7:56pm. when you're that hungry, everything tastes good, so i can't tell you how good the food was because if you asked me, i would tell you it was the best food i've eaten EVER.

in between the banquet and ceremony, i went with rudy to the nearest Nissan dealership and negotiated for a car. i got it. whee!

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