August 01, 2003


yesterday the guy finally came to pick up the fish tank. he brought with him 6 other guys, some of them were from his baseball team. (did i mention this guy's name was carlos delgado?). anyway, all the guys were pretty cool, they were pretty polite, even though i could smell they'd all come in from a bar.

they did a good job moving it, without scratching any of the walls. also, the guy gave me 150 bucks for the lawnmower. that was sweet. my dad said i could keep the money, so.. score! the guys invited me to go drinking with them, but i decided it's better that i didn't. even though they seemed like nice guys, they were big and figured when i had my 1 beer and couldn't take anymore, they'd probably make fun of me or something. plus i had to work today anyway.

i guess i'll use the money to buy mario kart: double dash, when it comes out in a couple months. and buy the evanescence cd once and for all.

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