August 31, 2002

If I can't/don't/won't do missions myself, should I pave the way for others to go? Maybe there are different ways of serving, even if totally indirectly.

Funny thing I've noticed about myself when i'm not (1) in school; (2) working. I can sleep 4 hours a night for a whole week feel the same as if I'd slept 12 hours a night for the whole week. I love that! For instance, it's 4am right now, but it feels like it could be 9pm only. Since I don't do anything all day, time no longer matters.

I had dinner with cisco_boy and his new wife today. I really like them as a couple, they complement eachother really well. They're a lot like my mom and dad in the way that they seem like complete opposite people but yet somehow that makes them even more compatible.

T3C is offering beginners guitar course. I wanted to register but I think it's too late now..

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