April 27, 2012

What I've been eating

It seems to take me a lot of effort to remember to write posts.

Anyway, as promised before, here is what I've been eating for the past month or so.

Breakfast/Snack: One apple (21g of carbs)

I don't always eat one, it depends on how hungry I'm feeling at the time.  I've read a bit about intermittent fasting and starving yourself between dinner and lunch is actually just fine.  I drink a ton of water each day, at least 1.5 to 2 liters worth and a lot of that is to suppress hunger.  I find I usually eat the apple on a Monday or Tuesday because on weekends I'm usually a lot looser with the diet and end up spoiling myself, which then leads to earlier hunger on M/T, whereas by W/T/F I'm back to normal again.

Lunch (16g of carbs):
2 Chicken Drumsticks (0g of carbs)
1 cucumber (4g) occasionally
3-4 cauliflower florets (3g) occasionally
5-6 broccoli florets (4g)
1/2 red bell pepper (5g)

The red bell pepper is the golden boy of this lunch.  The reds are the most nutritious in terms of all the little goodies they contain.  Red peppers have about 8 times as much nutrition as the green ones, and maybe 2-3 times as much as the orange and yellow ones.

Dinner (11g)
2 Chicken Drumsticks (0g of carbs)
Mushrooms (1g)
Onions (6g)
Broccoli (4g)

For the most part my protein has been dark chicken meat.  Remember, I'm not looking to boost my protein levels so I can maximize my exercising because I'm not exercising at all.  I'm not looking to avoid eating fat either (as there's no linkage between gaining weight and eating fat).  This is strictly a no-carb diet so I don't have to eat chicken breasts or tuna, etc. 

I've had a few steaks, pork chops or lamb chops on occasion to replace of chicken if we ran out. 

The vegetables are usually cooked in this case, as opposed to raw like for my lunches.  It's nice to eat a nice warm meal at night and that's really the only reason I've been doing that instead of eating it raw at lunch time.  I'm pretty firm about not cooking peppers because those things (especially the red ones) are so chock full of nutrients that it would be a travesty to cook it all away.  But mushrooms and onions have a lot less and taste so good sauteed that I can't resist and I don't mind losing the bit of nutrition that they have.

Dessert (on occasion):
Frozen Yogurt (30g)

Vitamin C

Some levels of hunger can also be suppressed by eating multivitamins and in all honesty, you should be eating these if you're on any kind of diet.  You can eat a multivitamin and least you know that even if you feel hungry, you're not damaging yourself in any way.  I eat a Vitamin C every day purely out of habit because of not wanting to catch an illness on public transportation. 

Putting it all together, you're thinking OMG he's eating so little.  Truth is I'm stuffed by the time I've finished my dinner most of the time, which means my stomach has likely shrunk a bit over this past month.  I'm eating on average 53g of carbs per day; studies have shown that you lose weight when you eat less than 100g of carbs per day, so I'm in a pretty sweet spot right now.

As of this morning I'm 153.8 pounds, so I've lost a total of 12 pounds in 5 weeks.

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