July 28, 2006


Kim from our Longlac team had a Relevant magazine with her on our trip. She told me about the website and podcasts. I've never actually gotten into podcasts, as I know it's this whole new world and I get the feeling that if I get into it, I may never see the outside world again.

Anyway. The website's pretty cool. http://www.relevantmagazine.com.

I've been considering getting out of the Christian music scene for a little while. Just cuz like, as many others who've been down this road have noticed, the music becomes less significant when you hear it all the time.

1 comment:

akt said...

hey i wonder if relevantmagazines.com is related to relevantbooks.com - i just bought a book called "The Gutter" by Craig Gross. The publisher is relevantbooks.com..hmmmm