January 31, 2005

uber math skillz

Yeah, my math skillz are 1337! Yesterday at Wendy's, the bill came out to $6.89. All I had was a 10 and a bunch of change, but not 89 cents. So I paid $12.14. I did it quick too, no using calculators or nothin'!


Today's ride home was ... interesting. First of all, work was insane today from after lunch til 5pm. I was really tired. When I got to the subway station the train had just pulled in so we ran in. Unfortunately I didn't get a seat. So anyway, at Union more people piled in and we were really really really close. I tried my best to just lean against the wall and sleep.

As luck would have it, when I awoke (to adjust my footing because I almost fell), I found that a really attractive girl was standing right in front of me, face to face almost. She had brown hair, was reading a book and smelled like flowers. I almost blurted "wow" but tactfully changed my words to "wow-oh.. so many people..". She smiled in agreement.

I closed my eyes and went back to sleep.

Then when I woke up, I was standing in front of a really smelly fat guy. So I repositioned myself at the next stop to the middle of car (I was by the door before). When I awoke again later, there was another really attractive girl in front of me. Blonde this time, but she was with her boyfriend, or a close friend. He was tickling her so that affected me because we were so cramped up, there was just no way to sleep with her shaking and giggling. Actually I found it a little annoying.

At around Eglinton, the train pretty much emptied out and I finally got a seat. When I woke up again, it was my stop.

Pretty fun ride :)

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