January 27, 2003

Sunday, yet another eventful day. Rev. Harding Ng spoke on the same passage as our bible study, but he talked about different stuff -- I think. I find that I rarely get much out of morning sermons anymore, ever since I started working. Maybe too tired or just not fully awakeness has claimed my concentration on Sunday mornings, but whatever it is, I have just been out of it lately on Sunday mornings. The worst is when you're talking with someone, and try as I might to get a conversation going, I just can't, because my mind is totally blank. Then I'm just standing there staring at them, wracking my brains to come up with something intelligent to say, and "um.. so anyway.. I'm going to go talk to so-and-so, see you later Brian!".

At night, I got a ride with a friend to go to Fu's house. He's going away, to Connecticut, for at LEAST 6 months. It's sad to see a friend go away. But it's an exciting time, it is, going off on his own, for his job.. that's pretty cool. It's so "grown up". Brian was the one of the few guys who talked to me when I first moved to T3C, since I knew him from before, way back, though not sure when. Anyway, we were at his house, and it was a farewell thing, for him. Everyone who knew him and could make it out was there. There were quite a few people there, and quite a few that I knew, even the non-t3c people. Anyway, it was a good time, we had appetizers, and watched LOTR2. Some people put together a cool gift, a booklet, full of memories, devotionals, encouraging letters to him.

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