July 22, 2003

With much disbelief and disappointment, I'm here to announce that one of my favorite shows from last season, John Doe, has been cancelled.

John Doe talked about a man who woke up naked on an island. He found his way back to the city and discovered that despite not knowing anything about himself, he knew the answer to any other question you could think of.

He befriended a few people, including a police investigator (he would help the police to crack the tough cases), a bartender at the bar where he worked as a pianist, and an ex-waitress who became his personal assistant and later died because of him. There were these crazy sign-language-using fanatics who were trying to keep him from discovering his true identity (that's how the girl died, they killed her).

Anyway, last season's finale ended in the cliffhanger when Doe discovered that the leader of the fanatics was none other than his good friend, the bartender! My brother and I, and another friend were all looking forward to the conclusion of that episode. But alas, the show is over.

It's hard to believe that some of the absolute garbage they show on television could get through but not John Doe. This is totally disappointing..

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