May 02, 2003

I find that I have a little bit of time to post something today. I've been neglecting the blog lately, but I also noticed that many of my friends have also stopped blogging. Maybe it's the beautiful weather we've been having, or maybe it's because of exams, or people finishing school and moving home. Anyway, life has been pretty good.

At work, things have been going alright. I have been working hard and finding that working for the government might be detrimental towards my working habits. The thing is things are so relaxed here. You get your work done sure, and there's a little bit of urgency to meet deadlines, but the feeling around here is that if a deadline is missed, it's no big deal. When we started on this project, they were saying it would be done by June. We're still waiting for the software we ordered 2 months ago. The j2ee programmers are being hired just this week and next. It's looking like it won't be done til August.

Which isn't necessarily a bad thing for me. It heightens the chance that my contract is extended, the longer this thing drags out! :) My boss filed for a 6 month extension, and said after this it'll buy them some time to create a full-time position for me.

I got my tax return a few days ago, it's not a lot of money, but it's enough for me to get a new pda or maybe an xbox, or ps2, or an electric guitar. Or maybe I should get a couch so I have somewhere to sit. I bought a Sanyo 27" tv this past weekend, it's really enhanced my living experience since I still don't have internet yet.

[EDIT] I'm getting internet tonight! [/EDIT]

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