January 21, 2006

Filling in the spaces

Two days into my gaming hiatus, and I'm bored as hell.

I really am. I woke this morning with nothing to do. Normally I would've logged in and off we'd go, then at 2pm I'd be finished, eat lunch, then likely go out somewhere with friends. Then, dinner, back to the game, bedtime.

So what do I now that I've gained approximately 9 hours of time?

I'm going for a drive..

Today I went to the Sunday School conference at church. I'd signed up for it last year, and the truth is didn't know what time it would be starting. I got there at around 10am and found out it had started at 9, but fortunately they were running late.

I find that whenever Harding speaks, he's always trying to prove a point about himself, like he's trying to show someone something. Umm.. that's not coming out right. What I mean is that.. I think what it is, is that you get this impression that he's trying to say "i'm right and you're wrong". As if, it's like you're a teenager again, and remember how your parents would be lecturing you about something you already knew, but they would just go on and on about it, and you would start tuning them out? That's what I mean -- that's what I feel whenever Harding speaks.

So in essence what I'm saying is that 75% of the time he is dead on, because parents are *usually* right.

Anyway, the purpose for going to this conference for me, was not to hear Harding (who went over his time slot by about 10 BILLION YEARS) but to attempt to better equip myself for my next Longlac trip (and beyond). I want to be able to connect better with the kids and possibly with the older ones that, in truth, I was kind of afraid of last year.

The workshops I attended were great, starting with Pastor Ian talking about how to relate to teens, then a talk about storytelling and how to make things interesting for younger kids. Finally wrapped things up with a seminar on overseas (40/10) missions for kids, how to get kids involved in missions, and a focus on the 40/10 window and its needs.

It surprises me to hear that just 1 out of 8 missionaries end up in the 40/10. What are full-time missionaries doing in North America, South America or Europe? Most of these countries are already considerably "reached" compared to the 40/10 countries. SA is predominantly catholic is it not? North America provides the freedom of speech and the right to express one's own opinion. It is so reached that they're resisting it and find it annoying. You mention Jesus at work and people avoid you or turn the other way. "Stop preaching to me" is what they'd say.

Meanwhile in the 40/10, you mention Jesus they *want* to hear more but are afraid to because they might get shot. Yet, 7 out of 8 aren't going there? And who really wants to risk their life to spread the Message of Life. Right? Apparently one's own life and well being is worth more than 2/3 of the world's population. I don't get that, but then again here I am staying within Ontario so what do I know.


Anonymous said...

did you know that tkpc is also involved with longlac as well? they are sponsoring some sort of aboriginal conference speaking about the history, struggles, etc.

ebrian said...

yes, i'm going. It's on March 17-18.