December 05, 2002

Last night I had this crazy dream. I can't remember where I was standing, but anyway I was somewhere downtown, and I saw a huge airplane fly over top of me, it flew around a bit, then it sharply turned towards the SkyDome and exploded as it collided with it. There was fire everywhere, it was pretty realistic. Actually it was very realistic, because I was terrified and I didn't even wake up from the fear.

I think it was summer time because the explosion caused a lot of flooding and what not, and maybe the plane was atomic somehow because it was like city had suffered through an earthquake. And somehow no one died from it, no one had been in or near the SkyDome at the time of the attack. Also, the CN Tower went unscathed as well.

After that I remember looking out the window from my boss' office and seeing the CN Tower standing all by itself and the rubble around it where the Dome used to be. And everyone was wondering what was going to get hit next.

Well, that was my dream.. pretty weird.

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