August 25, 2004

diss of the week

Today at Lon's birthday bbq, I went inside to go to the bathroom, when I came out I saw Mr. Wong chatting with Ray & Sandra, so I went in to say hello. Suprisingly he still remembered me from 4 years ago. We chatted in mandarin which was cool. But the whole time he was basically alluding to the fact that I wasn't married.

First thing he said asked was whether or not I was married, then whether or not I had a girlfriend. Then, he asked me about my parents, my job, etc, and then summarized that I was set in life and was ready to get married.

Then he pointed to Ray as an example of a guy who has it all together and took the next "logical" step. I patted Ray on the back and said "Good job!".

Thanks Mr. Wong, you rock!

the disses keep coming

Then just now, my aunt called. I've talked to her maybe 3 times in the last 12 years. Anyway, she calls, realizes it's me, and tells me "wrong number" and hangs up.

rubber bands

I spent a good 15 minutes looking on Google for different tricks with a rubber band. Not tricks.. umm.. shapes? I can make the star, and the double star (star within a star). I figured there had to be a site that taught more of them. I want to learn some so I can impress the ladies..

"What could possibly be more impressive to a girl than amazing shapes and configurations of a rubber band?" thought eBrian, with a sly grin on his face. He then proceeded to search on Google. Unfortunately, his searches were fruitless. He tried Yahoo. No luck.


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