July 03, 2004

wiped out

I'm wiped out today. After two fun filled days I am toast. Beat, broken-down, burned out, consumed, dog-tired, done in, drained, fatigued, finished, overtaxed, petered out, pooped, sleepy, spent.

Thursday's Halo-fest from 1:30pm-2:30am, and then yesterday's Dumpling-fest at Andrew's, followed by Spiderman 2. I'm too tuckered out to review the movie. I still say Dunst makes a horrible MJ. Nothing against Dunst tho. I liked the movie though.. Dumplingfest was great.

I crashed at about 4pm today, I was playing COH, and just about fell onto my keyboard so I took a nap. I woke up about 15 minutes ago, still feeling very tired. I'm in that dream state you often fall into when you're really tired. I was supposed to take the GPs out for dinner today but just way way too tired.

Argued for about 5 minutes with my grandmother because whenever she travels anywhere she likes to take everything with her. Like *everything*, as if she's moving. She'll literally take a massive suitcase, even though she wears the same clothing EVERY SINGLE DAY. She won't even open that suitcase up for the entire trip! And then she'll just bring it back again! That bag ways a ton, it won't even get past customs, and then I'll have to carry it back home again.

She tried to do the same thing when she came here from Vegas this spring, somehow my mom bribed her into not bringing it. Basically it was like, one day she asked if they could go out to eat somewhere, and she told her, only if you don't bring that massive bag with you (yeah, she's got one over there too), and she relented.

Grandma really *irks* me sometimes.. who am I kidding, _all_ the time.

you know you're getting old when: part 1

You start using the expression: "I'm trying to cut down on..."

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